This was taken at the local store i actually got mine from. I believe that my attraction to this shirt as well as the other guys in my town has something to do with the colour and symbolism of it. The piping on the collar is a yellowly gold, which to the human mind is a attraction to wealth (gold = money = gold, simples) coupled to the fred perry insignia, which is a brand symbol and it is a well-known fact that the better the brand/clothes, the more girls/boys you attract. Its simple animal basic instinct, that we go for the girl/boy with the best tailfeathers..i mean clothes. After going into the shop i had a cigerette (the new year's resolution not going so well at the moment) and i thought to myself i've heard this kinda of talk before, so i took a picture of my cigerettes, for safe keeping.
I remember where i had heard it before from my favorite movie rocknrolla, so i tracked down the script and ran off a copy of the conversation
Johnny Quid: You see that pack of Virginia killing sticks on the end of the piano?
Pete: Yes.
Johnny Quid: All you need to know about life is retained in those four walls. You will notice that one of your personalities is seduced by the illusions of grandeur - the gold packet of king size with a regal insignia, an attractive implication towards grandeur and wealth, the subtle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your royal and loyal friends, and that, Pete, is a lie.
Johnny Quid: Your other personality is trying to draw your attention to the flip side of the discussion, written in boring bold black and white, it's a statement that these neat little soldiers of death and in fact trying to kill you and that, Pete, is the truth.
Johnny Quid: Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren.
Johnny Quid: That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet.
Johnny Quid: That is why you and i love the drugs and that is also why I cannot give that painting back. now please, pass me a light.
Pete: Oh you are something special, Mr johnny quid.
Truely we are obsessed with money.
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